1) Evolutionary, Developmental, and Immunological studies for Understanding Intracellular Symbioses in Stinkbugs

Matsuura et al. (2015)
2) Parasite-Symbiont Transitions in Eco-Evo Perspectives:
Evolution, Diversity, Life histories, and Biological Functions of Ophiocordyceps Symbionts and allied parasites in insects
Evolution, Diversity, Life histories, and Biological Functions of Ophiocordyceps Symbionts and allied parasites in insects
寄生から相利共生へ 〜 セミタケなどの昆虫寄生性の冬虫夏草から共生菌への進化と生態、その多様性・生活史・生物機能

Matsuura et al. (2018)
We are also exploring the diversity of entomopathogens in Japan with an excellent group of experienced collaborators and mycologists. Here are some cool photos by João!
3) 沖縄産ミバエ類と腸内細菌と宿主植物の3者関係
coming soon..
他にも複数の共同研究があります. そちらは発表次第、掲載予定です.